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1 紀要論文 / Departmental Bulletin Paper >
商学部(Faculty of Commerce) >
九州産業大学商經論叢(Commerce and Business Review) >
第39巻第2号 >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://hdl.handle.net/11178/5782

Title: ニュージーランドの有機農産物マーケティング
Other Titles: Organic Produce Marketing in New Zealand
Authors: 齋藤, 實男
Saito, Jitsuo
サイトウ, ジツオ
Keywords: green prosumerism
green tourism
green communication between growers in NZ and consumers in Japan
Issue Date: 30-Sep-1998
Publisher: 九州産業大学商学会
Abstract: Does the socio-economic structure directly related with green consumerism (→prosumerism [prosumer = producer + consumer]), particularly with the patterns of organic agricultural produce marketing mix, especially the place, distribution system? This socio-economic structure means the social functional structure built by E-S-P (Enterprise-State-People) and regional community. About its differences between NZ and Japan, we look into this relationship in this paper. And we look into how NZ and Japan should do organic produce marketing communication. From the viewpoint of the institution and S (state) or national distribution, about the conventional agricultural produce, the distance of space (geography), span (time lag), society (division of labour) and psychology (intimate or not) between producers and consumers in NZ is generally shorter than in Japan. From the viewpoint of E (enterprise) marketing, about the organic produce, the distance of them in NZ is generally greater than in Japan. In NZ there is fewer direct delivery and connections (= SAN-SHO [growers-consumers] TEIKEI [alliance] in Japanese) between concrete personal producers and consumers than in Japan. The concrete producers and consumers are the people who make a plan about what kind of the organic produces and how much to plant, grow and reap each other, who share these works, and who have harvest festivals. About how to sell, in NZ almost retailing of organic produce is done by specialty retail shops whose form of business organization is corporation and seldom cooperative, dealing with organic produces and organic processed goods. About organic chicken and dairy goods (yogurt) even some super markets deal with them. Almost all green consumers except the eager members of Soil and Health Association (= green prosumers) don't know the faces of growers. So about not conventional but organic produce channel, it seems that NZ has more stages than Japan. From the viewpoint of the P (people), this multiple stages are related with weaker linkage of community between green consumers and organic growers in NZ than in Japan. We hope in NZ this community linkage will become stronger. In Japan this strong community linkage now changes the consumer movement from green consumerism to green prosumerism. Green prosumerism means that the consumers get in touch with production and distribution (→LC: life cycle [P-D-C-W-R]) process just as SAN-SHO TEIKEI to avoid and exclude chemical material = false artificial endocrin similar to real endocrin just as dioxin (PCDD: polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin), remained pesticide DDT, insulator PCB, TBT, phthalic ester/nonylphenol/bispheno1 A/styrene dimar・trimar for plastic containers/detergent/can coating, medison DES and so on. Beyond the division of labour, the devil of the false artificial endocrine obliges the green consumers to have deep contact with LC [P-D-C-W-R: production-distribution-consumption-waste-recycle]. In NZ this situation is as same as in Japan. We hope SAN-SHO TEIKEI movement will be brought up by Soil and Health Association. From the viewpoint of the slogan, 'Think globally, act locally', about foods, the subjects in Japan are 3S's: Self sufficiency, Safety and Sustainability = Conservation. Also the subjects in NZ are 3C's: Competition, Community and Conservation = Sustainability of land. On the subject of self sufficiency, Japan should grow up self reliancerate and at least should change import situation of the grain from the much dependence on USA grain to the less one and diversed one on different countries, particularly NZ, decreasing industrial goods export to USA. To export organic produce to Japan, NZ should develop international marketing strategy, benefited by reverse season and overcoming the distance of space, span and psycology between NZ and Japan. Particularly on the psychological one, we hope that NZ growers will make friends with Japanese consumers through the face to face contact, using internet, visiting farm = green tourism and another marketing communication.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11178/5782
Appears in Collections:第39巻第2号

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