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九州産業大学芸術学部研究報告(Kyushu Sangyo University Research Reports of the Faculty of Arts(vol.1-vol.37)) >
第33巻 >
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Title: | 色彩の陶磁器質感における影響 |
Other Titles: | Effects of Color on Percieved Qualities of Ceramics |
Authors: | 内藤, 郁夫 逸見, 祥子 金子, かつこ 安武, 正剛 飯岡, 正麻 NAITO, Ikuo HENMI, Shouko KANEKO, Katsuko YASUTAKE, Seigou IIOKA, Masao ナイトウ, イクオ ヘンミ, ショウコ カネコ, カツコ ヤスタケ, セイゴウ イイオカ, マサオ 写真学科:デザイン学科/写真学科:デザイン学科/写真学科:デザイン学科/写真学科:デザイン学科/写真学科:デザイン学科 |
Issue Date: | 28-Feb-2002 |
Publisher: | 九州産業大学芸術学会 |
Abstract: | 高光沢セラミックタイルを使用し, 陶磁器質感における色彩の影響を検討した。検討した質感は剛柔感, 透明感, 平滑感, 深み感, 肉持ち感, 光沢感である。6色相で各5枚ずつのタイルを選択した。被験者は女子学生25名で, 7段階SD法で質感を評価した。質感評価値はメトリック明度または彩度との回帰直線より検討した。これらの相関係数はいずれも高く, 強い相関関係が成立する。質感におよぼす明度の影響を無彩色サンプルより評価した。彩度の影響を, 有彩色の質感尺度値と無彩色の回帰直線より算出した明度の影響との差と仮定した。明度の増加により透明感と肉持ち感は増加し, 剛柔感, 平滑感, 深み感, 光沢感は減少する。一方, 彩度の増加により剛柔感, 平滑感, 深み感, 光沢感は増加し, 透明感と肉持ち感は減少した。これらの質感は色相の影響も受ける。PBで弁別能力が高く, Yで低い。 Effects of color on perceived qualities of ceramics were studied by using glossy color ceramic tiles [perceived qualities : hardness sense, transparent sense, planarity sense, deepness sense, thickness sense, and glossy sense]. Six groups of 5 tiles, seemed to be same hue, were selected, because it was impossible to adjust the velues. The qualities were investigated for 25 girl students by means of SD-method of 7 steps and regression lines. Because the qualities are affected by both metric lightness and by metric chromaticness, the effects of the lightness were assumed to be the results obtained using achromatic color tiles. The hardness sense, planarity sense, deepness sense and glossy sense decreased with increasing the lightness of the tiles, although transparent sense and thickness sense increased. The effects of the chromaticness were assumed to be differences between the measured value of the color samples and the value of the achromatic color tiles. There are very good linear relationships between the differences and the chromaticness. The hardness sense, planarity sense, deepness sense and glossy sense increased with increasing the chromaticness of the tiles, although transparent sense and thickness sense decreased. The effects of hue were also detected as the slope of the linear relation, as the chromaticness is larger in purple-blue hue than in yellow hue. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11178/7368 |
Appears in Collections: | 第33巻
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